D&d 5e humanoid races
D&d 5e humanoid races

d&d 5e humanoid races d&d 5e humanoid races

Werebear pc expanded their territory up to 1-4 miles as they preferred staying close to their home. To continue this cycle, the mothers would send their adolescents away. Females gave birth to one or two children in humanoid form who shapeshifted at the age of eight. These lycanthropes are either born with this curse, which is irreversible, or are infected by it. EcologyĪs we mentioned earlier, according to the Werebear lore, they live a secluded life. Werebears can fit the role of rangers, wildlife priests, or druids perfectly. They also have the power to call fellow bears a mile away to their location. Only magical or silver weaponry could harm them in their polymorphed state. Only a select few are given this chance, and they are trained to control their condition. They are quite picky when it’s about spreading their curse. Biting their opponents was the last resort because they didn’t want to pass on their curse. When in hybrid form, they either chose to wield an axe or use their claws. For instance, they could capture their opponents in their paws with unusual ease. In bear form, their abilities to climb and swim enhanced, and they became more powerful. A DnD Werebear only transformed into a bear or hybrid when they were prone to death. Their keen sense of smell is also a bonus point. However, they are biased towards using their strength in combat. Werebears are excellent at fighting and carrying weapons like throwing axes, knives, and great axes. Evil lycanthropes are quite a few, though. They seek evil people such as evil lycanthropes to lash out. Their transformation leads them to become enormous, annoyed, and moody. However, they do help out people and guard the natural world against civilization. A were bear tends to avoid people fearing their mercurial nature.

D&d 5e humanoid races